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About K.S.S.M. Library

The college library is small in size, but maintains a high standard. The total number of books in the library just exceeds 6000. It however, includes varieties of excellent books. The library contains text books on ‘Education’ as well as on other subjects reference books (Dictionaries Encyclopedias on different subjects, atlas etc,) and general Books. The library subscribes to varieties of Journals on Education (mainly), science and Arts subjects. The collection also includes back. Volumes of Journals, Magazines, Career guidance books and news bulletins about employment. The collections is continuously reviewed and added with new books to support their needs Internet is also accessible to the students in the library. The Library subscribes to varieties of journals on education (mainly), science and arts subjects. The collections also include back volumes or journals, magazines, career guidance books and news bulleting about employment. The collection is continuously reviewed and added with new books to support their needs. Internet is also accessible to the students in the library.

  • Trainees may borrow books from the library; every week on the day specified for issue of books.

  • Trainees can borrow three books at a time.

  • Books should not be sub-lent.

  • Borrowers shall not write, mark or damage in the books.

  • In case of any damage caused to the books or other property belonging to the library by the borrower, he/she should replace such a book or other properties damaged or pay double the cost. If any volume of a set of books is damaged, the whole set of books must be replaced.

  • Dictionaries, Encyclopaedia5, Yearbooks and such other special books are meant for reference only.

  • Books must be returned to the library within two weeks / 15 days from the day of borrowing. If books are not returned within the due date, an overdue charge of Rs.1.00 per day per books will be collected from the defaulter.

  • If the borrower failed to return the book within due date he/she has to pay the double the amount of the borrowed text book or replace the book with same title and author.

  • On the day of issue, he/she must check the pages and bring it to the notice of the library staff, if any damage to the book might have occurred already.

  • A duplicate library card will be issued on payment of Rs.25/- if and when the original is lost.

  • Under special circumstances the librarian reserves the right to recall a book before the due date.

  • Any difficulty or grievance felt in utilizing the library should be brought to the Notice of the Principal.

The libray open from 9-30 AM to 5-30 PM

Library Details

Sl.No Details Quantity
1 Total No Of Books 6714
2 Total No Of Titles 4217
3 Total No Of Authors 4005
4 Total No Of Subject Related Books 4118
5 Reference Books 576
6 General Books 2041
7 Encyclopedia 17
8 Dictionary 60
9 Total No Of Journals 6
10 Total No Of Magazines 4
11 Total No Of News Papers 3
12 Room area 1167.54 sq. ft
13 Total Amount in Library Books 8,00,000+
14 SC/ST Book Bank Available
15 Computer 01
16 Question Paper Files 28
17 Library Software Available
18 Library Seating Capacity 70


