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About B.Ed

The program will be of duration of two academic years (4 semesters) which can be completed in a maximum period of three years from the date of admission to the course.

The medium of instruction shall be in both English and Kannada. Hence the candidates are allowed to write the examination either in English or Kannada.
The minimum attendance of student teachers will have to be 80% for all course work and practicum, and 90% for school internship.

Candidates must be graduates with 50% marks either in Bachelor’s Degree and/or Master Degree in sciences/social sciences/humanities, Bachelor’s Degree in marks or any other qualifications equivalent there to are eligible for admission to the course. All applicants shall have a minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate of all the three years of Degree including electives and languages, including 10% internal assessment Marks or shall have 50% of marks in aggregate of all the two years of post graduate degree. Student of bachelor of engineering or technology should have at least 55% of marks in science and mathematics in aggregate in all the years of the above two subjects studied But SC, ST, Cat-I and Physically handicapped candidates shall have a minimum of 45% of marks in aggregate of all the three years of Degree including electives and languages, including 10% in internal assessment marks or 50% of marks in aggregate of all the two years of post graduate degree. Student of bachelor of engineering or technology should have at least 50% of marks in science and mathematics in aggregate in all the years of the above two subjects studied.

An option for the candidates to choose a course from a pool of pedagogy of school subjects courses offered by the respective B.Ed colleges of Kuvempu University. Each Candidate should choose a combination of two Specialisation Courses for the B.Ed program from the offered combination by the respective colleges.
Combination is as follows
a. Language 1 & Language 2
b. Language & Social science
c. Language & Biology
d. Language & Chemistry
e. Language & Physics
f. Language & Mathematics
g. Chemistry & Biology
h. Physics & Mathematics
i. Chemistry & Mathematic

Fee Structure of B. Ed

Type of College Seat Category Tuition Development Total
Private(Un-Aided) Government Seats 6000 Rs 2000 Rs 8000 Rs
Private(Un-Aided) Management Seats 30000 Rs 5000 Rs 35000 Rs

Detailed Fee Structure of B. Ed

Sl.No Types of Fee Quantum of Fees in Rs.
1 Admission Fee 50
2 Reading Room Fee 100
3 Sports Fee 75
4 Lab Fee(for Science Students) Physics 70, Chemistry 80
5 Arts & Drawing 75
6 SUPW 125
7 TBF 15
8 Examination Fee 100
9 Citizenship Fee 400
10 Medical Examination Fee 50
11 Magazine Fee 50
12 Library Fee 150
13 Maintenance & Equipment Fee 500
14 Lesson plan records and other records 200
15 Education Technology 80
16 Students Welfare Funds 15
17 National foundation for Teachers Welfare(N.F.T.W) Flag 15
Total 2150

Grand Total (Unaided.Govt.-Seats )=8000+2150=10150


